Trastor acquires logistics centre for 3.0 million euros
Trastor acquires logistics centre for 3.0 million euros

Trastor acquires logistics centre for 3.0 million euros

The property is fully let to Seagull Diametaforiki Emporiki SA.
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RE+D magazine

Trastor REIC on Monday announced the acquisition of a logistics centre located in the area of “Melissia” in Aspropyrgos.

The total surface area is 5,678.86 sq.m. and consists of a ground floor warehouse and one office floor. The acquisition price is 3,073,350 euros. The property is fully let.

Tassos Kazinos, CEO of the Company, made the following statement: “With the acquisition of this property located in the centre of the Aspropyrgos area we are adding the first logistics centre in our company’s portfolio. Trastor enhances its portfolio with a new asset category while continuing to invest in prime properties.

Committed to our investment strategy we invest in a well-planned manner by taking advantage of opportunities that arise. In this way we keep creating a portfolio of high-quality assets, adding value, dispersion, and remaining focused on responsible growth.”