Urban Planning
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Land Registry: contracts will be checked on artificial intelligence application

The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.

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The National Strategy for Building Information Modeling (BIM)

The strategic goals expected to be met throught the appoved plan.

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The Single Digital Map on beta operation

Within the next two weeks, the Single Digital Map and the National Infrastructure Register,will be up in beta operation.

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  News Economy  |  Urban Planning  |  Spatial Planning  |  Laws  |  Greece
Radical changes in the system of identifying and demolishing arbitrary buildings

The off-plan building was not comprised in the bill of the Ministry of Environment that was put in public consultation.

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The Municipality of Vari Voula Vouliagmeni suspends the issuance of building permits

The aim of the municipal authority is to balance the environmental and urban planning balance of the city.

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  News Economy  |  Urban Planning  |  Spatial Planning  |  Laws  |  Greece
Which authority is responsible for suspension of building permits

The 18/89- apply only to the areas for which there is a relevant provision of the law or a decision of the Minister.

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The Land Registry opens branches in Florina and Alexandroupolis

The network is expected to be completed within the coming months.

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Two new Hellenic Land Registry' branches were inaugurated in Volos and Skiathos island

The digitalisation upgrade of the Greek Hellenic Land Registry is also been enhanced in order the administration be fully complied with the current digital age.

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Works at the Thessaloniki Metro' side project on Michail Psellou Street have begun

The project is expecte to contribute to the service of metro and bus passengers in the area.