How much did Greek tourists spend in Greece?
How much did Greek tourists spend in Greece?
  Tourism  |  Greece  |  Data

How much did Greek tourists spend in Greece?

The coronavirus pandemic, in addition to the catalytic role it played in reducing international tourist traffic, also affected travel to domestic destinations.
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Την περίοδο 2015 - 2019 τα ταξίδια εσωτερικού παρουσίασαν άνοδο κατά 2,1%.

2019 stands out as a reference year in the comparison already made during the pandemic and will continue to be made in the years following the pandemic in relation to the evolution of tourism figures, including data relating to domestic travel.

In this light, the findings of the study (here) entitled: "Characteristics of domestic travel of domestic tourists 2019" published by the Institute of the Association of Greek Tourist Enterprises "may prove useful - especially to professionals aiming at domestic tourism" INSET).

The study analyzes the data of domestic travel in terms of mode of transport, accommodation choice and overnight stays. Also, the expenses are analyzed based on gender, age, number of nights and the average cost per night, while the last section lists the reasons for not traveling.

The main findings of the study are as follows:

-In the period 2015-2019, domestic travel increased by 100 thousand / + 2.1%, overnight stays by 5 million / + 26.5% and expenses by 335 million euros / + 26.5%. The key indicators also increased. In particular, the cost per trip increased by 62 euros / + 23.9%, the cost per night by 4 euros / + 14.7% and the average length of stay by 0.8 / + 8%.

-In 2019, 4.9 million domestic trips were made, recording a decrease of 11% / - 582 thousand compared to 2018, 53.6 million overnight stays, showing a decrease of 6 million / 10% and were spent on trips that amounted to € 1.6 billion domestically, down 6.8%.

-Most domestic travel in 2019 was made by land (3.6 million trips). This was followed by sea voyages (1 million voyages), while only 272 thousand voyages were made by plane. The distribution of travel by means of transport does not show significant changes in the last five years.

-60% of domestic trips During the stay in 2019, took place in non-rental accommodation and 39% in rental accommodation. Rental accommodation accounts for only 21% of overnight stays (of which 11% corresponds to hotels and similar accommodation and 10% to rental rooms).

-The main volume of travel is concentrated in the summer months. In 2019, more than 60% of trips took place in July and August, while including June the percentage is almost 80%. That means, there is a high seasonality.

-1.1 billion euros or 70% of the expenses came from the age groups 25-44 years and 45-64 years.

-35% of the expenses were incurred in trips lasting 4-7 nights.

51.8% or 836 million euros were spent either on privately owned holiday homes (26.2% / 419 million euros) or on accommodation provided free of charge by relatives and friends (25.6% / 410 million euros).

-Finally, in 2019 49.2% of Greeks were unable to spend a week away from home. The percentage is similar to that of 2013, after a deterioration in the period 2015 - 2016. The main reason for the inability to vacation was financial reasons.

The study "Characteristics of domestic travel of domestic tourists 2019" was implemented by INSETE in the framework of the Act: "Actions for forecasting and monitoring changes in the Tourism Sector to strengthen its competitiveness and structural adjustment", which is part of the Orerational Program, "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 ”and is co-financed by the European Social Fund.