Overthrow in the Egnatia Odos' tender
Overthrow in the Egnatia Odos' tender

Overthrow in the Egnatia Odos' tender

The privatization fund (HRADF) will finally give the opportunity to submit bids for the Egnatia Odos to the two consortia that won the precautionary measures in the Council of State (CoS), as there was no further extension provided on December 11th.
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Next Tuesday, the administration of HRADF is expected to decide whether all interested parties will submit a file at the final stage of the competition.

 The joint ventures of AKTOR Concessions with Roadis and Mytilineos with Vinci had asked for an extension, argueing that they did not manage to prepare their offers due to the quarantine. The administration of HRADF had decided not to give the 9th extension to the tender for the concession of the road axis and an offer was submitted only by the TERNA - Egis Projects consortium.

However, the two consortia appealed to the CoS and won the precautionary measures.

Thus, the administration of HRADF is expected to decide next Tuesday that all the groups that had passed to the final stage of the tender can submit bids, probably until April 1st.

The issue of the tender provides that the preferred investor will be assigned the financing, operation, maintenance and exploitation of the Egnatia Odos highway and the Siatista - Ieropigi / Krystallopigi, Chalastra - Evzoni and Thessaloniki - Serres - Promachonas vertical road axis.

The concession period will have a 35-year durration. The preferred investor, through the concession company that will be set up, is obliged to study, finance and perform a series of additional tasks.

The investor will pay to the HRADF an initial offer (Concession Fee) as well as an Annual Fee. These two elements determine which group will prevail, with executives in the construction market raising the total amount of the investment close to 1.5 billion euros (concession fee plus the cost of additional works).

In addition to the collection of tolls, the contractor will have revenue from the operation of Motor Service Stations (CMS) "of its transit areas along with all property rights, materials and intangibles, related to the road axis".