Operating in a modern and integrated legal framework for the Logistics sector, SARMED provides integrated, high quality and added value services officially approved by the State.
The Law 4302/2014 and the Ministerial Decisions that specify the holistic regulatory framework define, for the first time in Greece and with absolute clarity, the Logistics sector and its operational aspects as a separate and independent economic activity, different from the respective industrial or commercial activities. In particular, the new institutional framework for the licensing of logistics infrastructure imposes a series of requirements for the legality of infrastructure, environmental management, operating procedures, security, etc., harmonizing Greek logistics with the Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) strategy and the circular economy strategy, as well as the requirements of international markets for licensed infrastructure with functions and processes that contribute and / or ensure the minimum possible environmental footprint.
The Quality and Infrastructure Departments of SARMED, with the support of the consulting company REDEPLAN, successfully completed the notification process as a Storage and Distribution Center (KAD) for all its facilities in Mandra, Attica (Trypio Lithari and Sfageia).
It should be noted that SARMED’s facilities, both in Trypio Lithari and in Sfageia, were licensed as medium sized activities (> 150,000m3), while especially for the facilities in Trypio Lithari (total storage volume 429,000m3 and volume of cooling chambers 33,500m3) environmental licensing was carried out through the issuance of a Decision of Approval of Environmental Conditions by the Decentralized Administration of Attica.
SARMED’s storage complexes are the largest and first licensed 3PL facilities in Greece.