€1.6M contribution refund to thousands of professionals
€1.6M contribution refund to thousands of professionals
  Economy  |  Taxation  |  Greece

€1.6M contribution refund to thousands of professionals

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RE+D magazine

Tomorrow, February 27, 2025, the seventh payment of €1,651,125.47 will be made, concerning the refund of overpaid contributions for supplementary insurance and welfare sectors for the years 2019 and 2020 to thousands of professionals, according to a relevant announcement by e-EFKA.

The following applies specifically to lawyers with salaried positions in the private sector and private law entities, as well as salaried engineers and healthcare professionals in both the public and private sectors with private law employment contracts (I.D.A.X. & I.D.O.X.), who are either debtors or non-debtors of e-EFKA, and who submitted an application through the relevant online service by 20/02/2025.

It is important to note that, following the 63/2024 Opinion of the State Legal Council, the process of returning overpaid contributions is now being carried out without requiring a tax compliance certificate from the beneficiary.

For e-EFKA debtors, the amount to be refunded is determined after offsetting their total debt (whether restructured or not) with the initially calculated amount of overpaid contributions (Article 104, paragraph 1 of Law 4387/2016 – Government Gazette 85 A’, as amended & Article 1 of Decision No. Δ.15/Δ’/90598/11.11.2021 – Government Gazette 5404 B’).

In this seventh disbursement, the maximum refundable amount, which will be credited to the bank accounts of 663 beneficiaries, is €11,024.99.

The responsible services of e-EFKA continue processing applications submitted after 21/02/2025, with eligible amounts to be credited through the same procedure in future disbursements.

Additionally, it is announced that the "Electronic Service for Modifying Insurance for Salaried Lawyers, Engineers, and Healthcare Professionals" [https://www.efka.gov.gr/el/elektronikes-yperesies/elektronike-yperesia-tropopoieses-tes-asphalises-gia-emmisthoys-dikegoroys-misthotoys-mechanikoys] will be available to interested employers until the final deadline of 31/10/2025.