The company “Optima bank S.A.” (the “Bank”, in the context of its share capital increase of an amount of €72.450.000, with the option of partial subscription pursuant to article 28 of Law 4548/2018, with cash payment and exclusion (abolition) of the pre-emption right of Bank’s existing shareholders, by issuing up to 21.000.000 new, common, registered shares of the Bank, with voting rights with a nominal value of €3,45 each (the “New Shares”), following its announcement dated 26.09.2023, after the completion of the procedure of a Parallel offering to a limited circle of persons of up to 1.050.000 New Shares, in accordance with the terms of the decision under no. 4/379/18.04.2006 of the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission and the resolutions of the Bank’s Board of Directors dated 30.08.2023 and 15.09.2023 (the “Parallel Offering to a limited circle of persons”), announced to the investor public that a total amount of 500.027 New Shares were allocated to the beneficiaries of the Parallel Offering to a limited circle of persons. Beneficiaries of the Parallel Offering to a limited circle of persons are:
- the members of the Bank’s Board of Directors,
- the members of the Bank’s senior management (members of the Executive Committee), the Bank’s personnel, the personnel of its subsidiaries and the members of their board of directors (together the ‘Personnel”), as well as
- less than 100 partners of the Bank, i.e. clients and suppliers and in general, persons with which the Bank or/and its subsidiaries maintain important contractual relation according to the judgement of the Bank’s Board of Directors (the “Partners”).
- 60.243 New Shares were allocated to members of the Bank’s Board of Directors,
- 411.084 New Shares were allocated to the Personnel, and
- 28.700 New Shares were allocated to Partners.
Therefore, 549.973 New Shares remained undisposed, which increase the number of the New Shares to be offered through the Public Offering.
Following to the above, the total number of the New Shares,
to be offered through the Public Offering shall be determined to up to 20.499.973 New Shares.