Archeology and Modern monuments approvals will be processed through the e-adeies platform
Archeology and Modern monuments approvals will be processed through the e-adeies platform
  Urban Planning  |  Laws

Archeology and Modern monuments approvals will be processed through the e-adeies platform

RE+D magazine

Another important initiative to accelerate the licensing process in every building project is promoted by the Government.

Specifically, in a meeting between the Minister of State and Digital Government Kyriakos Pierrakakis and the Minister of Culture and Sports Lina Mendonis with the President of TEE George Stasinos, it was decided to speed up the procedures to include the approvals of the for the construction of new buildings and structures, in the electronic system for issuing building permits e-adeies.

According to the directions of the Ministers, the TEE undertakes to implement this upgrade of e-adeies by the end of 2022 and the services of the Ministries to coordinate and facilitate the work.

With this new upgrade and expansion of e-adeies, the engineers will submit and process, on behalf of the citizens and the companies they are rebuilding, the files for the approvals - licenses from the Ephorates of Antiquities and the Services of Modern Monuments and Technical Works Ministry of Culture for the issuance of building permits, modifications, etc.

In turn, the above services of the Ministry of Culture will accept applications and will process the procedures electronically, as well as the other public services involved in building permits, while the on-site inspection process and archaeological research, when and where required, does not change anything. for the protection of our cultural heritage.

The aim of the initiative to extend the e-adeies system to the archeological services for construction issues is the simplification of the procedures, the speed of processing, the acceleration of the licensing and the transparency of the steps followed, while at the same time reducing the costs for both the citizen and the public by reducing paperwork and working hours - as does the environmental burden.

It is been reminded that through the electronic system of issuing building permits e-adeies, which is accessible through, now for about 3.5 years, all building permits in the country are issued electronically, while gradually all public services that due to competence are involved in the licensing of the construction.

The e-adeies system, designed, developed and operated by the TEE on behalf of RIS, is characterized by a high degree of availability, multiple levels of security that ensure access to anyone with a legal right or specific competence in a specific project file, restricts general access to only public executives, while ensuring full traceability of actions and steps followed, while ensuring a fully digital file of all plans and supporting documents of new buildings in the country.