The studies take into account the subsoil conditions, the building density of each area, as well as the type and condition of buildings and structures.
In particular, in the context of these studies, all the exterior sides as well as the interior of the properties will be inspected in order to have their current status been observed, prior the beginning of the underground works and to take all the necessary design and construction measures for prevention and protection.
For properties that are sealed there are efforts to locate the owners or tenants.
It is nored that after the studies on the structural condition of the buildings/structures and with the beginning of the underground works, the Contractor K/X under the supervision and control of ATTIKO METRO S.A., monitors continuously and in real time with instrumental measurements the behavior of the buildings and constructions throughout the construction of the Project in order to confirm that the measurement values will always be lower than the strict safety limits defined in the Project specifications.