The annual growth rate of total deposits decreased to 4.3% in January 2025 from 4.6% in the previous month.
Deposits placed by the private sector decreased by €4,787 million in January 2025, compared with an increase of €5,592 million in the previous month.
I.Credit to the domestic economy
Τhe monthly net flow of total credit was negative by €1,380 million in January 2025, compared with a positive net flow of €3,676 million in the previous month.
Ι.1 Credit to the general government
In January 2025, the monthly net flow of credit to the general government was positive by €290 million, compared with a positive net flow of €624 million in the previous month; the annual growth rate increased to 2.6% from -0.1% in the previous month.
Ι.2 Credit to the private sector
In January 2025, the annual growth rate of credit to the private sector increased to 10.0% from 8.9% in the previous month. The monthly net flow of credit was negative by €1,671 million, compared with a positive net flow of €3,053 million in the previous month.
Ι.2.1 Credit to corporations
In January 2025, the monthly net flow of credit to corporations was negative by €1,424 million, compared with a positive net flow of €2,895 million in the previous month; the annual growth rate increased to 15.9% from 14.0% in the previous month. In particular, the annual growth rate of credit to non-financial corporations (NFCs) increased to 15.9% from 13.8% in the previous month; the monthly net flow was negative by €876 million, compared with a positive net flow of €2,005 million in the previous month. The annual growth rate of credit to insurance corporations and other financial intermediaries increased to 16.1% from 15.8% in the previous month; the monthly net flow was negative by €548 million, compared with a positive net flow of €891 million in the previous month.
Ι.2.2 Credit to sole proprietors and unincorporated partnerships
In January 2025, the monthly net flow of credit to sole proprietors and unincorporated partnerships was negative by €102 million, compared with a positive net flow of €102 million in the previous month; the annual growth rate decreased to 0.2%, compared with 0.7% in the previous month.
Ι.2.3 Credit to individuals and private non-profit institutions
In January 2025, the monthly net flow of credit to individuals and private non-profit institutions was negative by €144 million, compared with a positive net flow of €55 million in the previous month; the annual growth rate stood at -0.5%, unchanged from the previous month.
II. Deposits by the domestic economy with the domestic credit institutions
In January 2025, the monthly net flow of total deposits was negative by €4,324 million, compared with a positive net flow of €5,243 million in December 2024.
ΙΙ.1 Deposits placed by the general government
In January 2025, deposits placed by the general government increased by €463 million, compared with a decrease of €349 million in the previous month; the annual growth rate stood at -5.9% from 8.4% in the previous month.
ΙΙ.2 Deposits placed by the private sector
In January 2025, deposits placed by the private sector decreased by €4,787 million, compared with an increase of €5,592 million in the previous month; the annual growth rate increased to 4.8% from 4.4% in the previous month.
ΙΙ.2.1 Corporate deposits
In January 2025, corporate deposits decreased by €3,785 million, compared with an increase of €3,099 million in the previous month; the annual growth rate decreased to 10.0% from 10.7% in the previous month. In particular, deposits from NFCs decreased by €3,843 million, against an increase of €2,858 million in the previous month. Deposits placed by insurance corporations and other financial intermediaries increased by €58 million, compared with an increase of €242 million in the previous month.
ΙΙ.2.2 Deposits placed by households and private non-profit institutions
In January 2025, deposits placed by households and private non-profit institutions decreased by €1,002 million, compared with an increase of €2,493 million in the previous month; the annual growth rate increased to 3.1% from 2.4%, in the previous month.