More specifically:
The Total Building Activity (private-public) in Greece, in March 2023 which is calculated on the basis of the number ofissued building permits, amounted to 2,686. This figure corresponds to 647,555 m2 of surface and 2,955,046 m3ofvolume, reflecting, respectively, a 34.2% increase in the number of building permits, a 68.9% increase in surface and a70.2% increase in volume, compared with the corresponding month of 2022.
The building permits for the Private Building Activity issued in Greece in March 2023 amounted to 2,671. This figurecorresponds to 628,059 m2 of surface and 2,873,242 m3 of volume. In comparison with the same month of 2022 there is a 34.2% increase in the number of building permits, a 64.4% increase in surface and a 65.9% increase in volume.
The building permits for the Public Building Activity issued in Greece in March 2023 amounted to 15. This figurecorresponds to 19,496 m2 of surface and 81,804 m3 of volume. Public Building Activity accounted for a 2.8% of the totalbuilding volume in March 2023.
In the last twelve months, from April 2022 until March 2023, Total Building Activity (private-public) in Greece, calculatedon the basis of the number of issued building permits, amounted to 25,892. This figure corresponds to 5,831,367 m2ofsurface and 26,474,879 m3 of volume. In comparison with the corresponding period from April 2021 until March 2022,there is a 6.5% increase in the number of building permits, a 4.2% decrease in surface and a 2.0% increase in volume.
In the same period, from April 2022 untill March 2023, Private Building Activity in Greece recorded a 6.1% increase inthe number of issued building permits, a 5.7% decrease in surface and a 0.4% increase in volume, compared with thecorresponding period from April 2021 to March 2022. During the same period, Public Building Activityaccounted for a 2.6% of the total building volume.
During the period January - March 2023, Total Building Activity (private-public) in Greece recorded a 13.6% increase inthe number of issued building permits, a 23.6% increase in surface and a 26.8% increase in volume, compared with thecorresponding period of 2022.
During the same period, January - March 2023, Private Building Activity inGreece recorded a 13.5% increase in the number of issued building permits, a 22.1% increase in surface and a 25.2%increase in volume, in comparison with the period of January - March 2022.