Competition Committee approves AKTOR Group’s acquisition of MILORA
Competition Committee approves AKTOR Group’s acquisition of MILORA
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Competition Committee approves AKTOR Group’s acquisition of MILORA

Due to the small market shares of the participating companies, there are no affected markets, and no impacts are expected, according to the decision of the Competition Committee.
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RE+D magazine

The Competition Committee has approved the acquisition of MILORA by the AKTOR Group, giving the green light to the deal.

As stated in a related announcement during a session of the Competition Committee, the concentration involving the acquisition of direct and exclusive control by the AKTOR Group over the company "MILORA M.A.E." was unanimously approved.

It is noted that the framework agreement between AKTOR and Prodea, signed on October 29, 2024, stipulates that the company or its subsidiary will acquire 100% of the shares of MILORA (a 100% subsidiary of Prodea), which will hold a portfolio of 56 properties, either directly or indirectly (through SPVs), with a total value of €582 million.

To finance part of the total estimated net price (after deducting debt obligations), amounting to approximately €180 million, AKTOR will allocate around €50 million from its recent €200 million capital increase.

According to the committee, the AKTOR Group operates in the fields of public and private construction projects, metal constructions, renewable energy, real estate development, as well as in the fields of aggregates, professional building management services (facility management), and the production and trade of greenery. The business activity of the transferred company, MILORA, involves investments in real estate, specifically the acquisition, development, management, and exploitation of real estate portfolios.

The relevant markets related to the transaction under review include the broader real estate services market, the sub-market for acquiring and exploiting properties through leasing (real estate rental), the sub-market for property development, the broader construction market (mainly for private commercial projects), and finally, the market for providing facility management services, with the geographical scope of these markets being the Greek territory.

Due to the small market shares of the participating companies, no affected markets exist, and no impact on competition requirements is expected in the individual markets involved in this transaction. Therefore, the Competition Committee, in a session, approved the notified concentration.