Additions, corrections, and deletions can now be declared in the E9 form via the platform, in order to register changes in taxpayers' property status, which may affect the calculation of the ENFIA for 2025.
With the activation of the new electronic portal, taxpayers will have the ability to declare any changes in their property status that occurred in 2024. Specifically, those who acquired property through purchase, parental donation, or inheritance, or sold or transferred property to their children or grandchildren, must submit the corresponding changes in the E9 form by the end of January 2025.
Deadline for ENFIA Discount Until February 14, 2025
Additionally, taxpayers have until February 14, 2025, to complete the necessary actions on the myProperty digital platform to secure a discount of up to 20% on the 2025 ENFIA bill. The discount applies to properties insured in 2024 against natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, and floods, and is available to those who meet the relevant criteria.
The ENFIA for 2025 will be paid in 12 monthly installments, with the first installment due by the end of March 2025. The collection of ENFIA will begin earlier than in previous years, as the tax amount will be posted on the taxpayer portal on February 28, 2025, the same day the final installment for the 2024 ENFIA is due.
Despite the early posting of the ENFIA bill, taxpayers will be able to pay the tax amount in 12 installments, which represents an improvement compared to the 11 installments offered in previous years.
Changes to ENFIA for 2025
Regarding changes to the ENFIA for 2025, the tax landscape remains almost unchanged for the majority of property owners. However, taxpayers who acquired property by the end of 2024, whether through purchase, parental donation, or inheritance, are expected to see an increase in their tax amount due to changes in their property status. On the other hand, those who sold or transferred property to their children or grandchildren will notice a decrease in their ENFIA amount.
Additionally, approximately 1 million taxpayers are estimated to benefit from discounts of up to 50% or complete exemption from ENFIA, based on specific income and property criteria. Property owners who suffered damage from natural disasters such as fires, floods, or earthquakes will also be eligible for tax exemptions.
Winners and Losers for ENFIA 2025
Winners: Property owners with homes valued at up to €500,000, insured against earthquakes, fires, and floods, will receive a doubled ENFIA discount of up to 20%, compared to the 10% discount that applied last year.
Losers: There will be no changes to the tax assessments for property owners of homes valued above €500,000. For these property owners, the discount will remain at 10%.
Conditions for Tax Discount
To benefit from the tax discount for insured homes, property owners must meet the following conditions:
Coverage of Risks: The home insurance must cover earthquake, fire, and flood. If any of these coverages are missing, the discount is forfeited.
Duration of Insurance: The insurance must cover the previous year and be valid for at least three months. If the duration is shorter than one year, the discount is calculated proportionally.
Minimum Coverage: If the insurance is valid for less than 90 days in the year, no discount is provided.
Discount Calculation: The discount is applied to the total amount of both the main and supplementary taxes concerning the property.
Coverage Value: The insurance must cover the full value of the property, as determined by the reconstruction value of the building(s), excluding the value of the land.
Losers of ENFIA 2025
Taxpayers who will see an increase in their ENFIA bill for 2025 include:
Those who acquired property through purchase, parental donation, gift, or inheritance. Specifically, property owners with properties valued above €400,000 will face additional tax.
Those who acquired real rights to property, such as full or bare ownership, or usufruct rights.