Employees in Greece are in their majority unhappy with their occupation
Employees in Greece are in their majority unhappy with their occupation
  Greece  |  Analysis

Employees in Greece are in their majority unhappy with their occupation

An Edenred' research findings
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RE+D magazine

30% of employees are satisfied with their current job, with the age group up to 30 seeming to be the current main challenge for HR Managers as 29% of those asked expressed dissatisfaction.

Those were resulted from the Panhellenic Employee Satisfaction Survey conducted by Edenred in collaboration with the company Focus Bari under the auspices of Edenred and the Hellenic Human Resources Management Association (SDADE).

According to the research' findings, the degree of overall satisfaction, despite the health crisis, unveils a modest increase versus 2019 by 0.1 points. The 3 most important satisfaction factors refer to the "type of Work", the "Sense of safety" and the "Support from the Boss". On the other hand, there are "Training & Development Opportunities", "Development Perspective" and "Position Remuneration & Abilities Response", where participants said they were less satisfied.

In terms of benefits, 9 out of 10 employees receive at least one benefit from the company in which they work. The "Health Insurance Program", the "Feeding Ordinances" and the "Distance Work" are the 3 basic benefits that employees receive today.

But what do they expect for the future? Health plans and daily necessities, such as nutrition, are at the top of the list of benefits they want for the future. More specifically, the "Health Insurance Program", the "Nutrition Orders" and the "Retirement Program", are the top 3 benefits they want for the future, a pattern similar to that of the 2019 survey.

In this environment, employees, regardless of age, affected by the health crisis have given high priority to covering expenses in medical specialties as well as the possibility of working remotely, in Greece or abroad. In addition, it is worth noting that at the moment it seems that employees who work remotely or in a mixed model are significantly more satisfied than those who work in the physical space.