Specifically, the programs, with a total budget of €213.3 million, include the following:
⮚ Athena Program (€37.2 million)
This program aims to improve the energy efficiency of operational kindergartens and primary schools across the entire country.
Eligible beneficiaries are Local Authorities of the First Degree, as well as their Public Law Entities (PDEs) that operate municipal schools and kindergartens.
Interventions covered include, among others, energy used for technical systems (e.g., heating, cooling) and vulnerable points of the building that lead to thermal losses (e.g., windows, ceilings, etc.).
Applications can be submitted via the program's electronic platform: https://exoikonomo-scholeia.gov.gr/go-beyond/
⮚ Phoebus Program (€12.4 million)
This program focuses on improving the energy efficiency of operational municipal infant, nursery, and preschool centers across the entire country.
Eligible beneficiaries are Local Authorities of the First Degree and their Public Law Entities (PDEs) that operate municipal infant, nursery, and preschool centers.
Energy efficiency improvements relate to interventions in the building shell and technical systems (e.g., thermal insulation of opaque elements and waterproofing of roofs, replacement of transparent elements like windows and glass, installation of heat pumps, etc.).
Applications can be submitted via the program's electronic platform: https://exoikonomo-scholeia.gov.gr/go-beyond/
⮚ Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Mountain Tourism Accommodations (€10 million)
This program focuses on the energy upgrading of mountain tourism accommodations. 10% of the budget will be allocated exclusively to traditional and listed buildings (€1 million), with the remaining 90% (€9 million) allocated to all other mountain tourism accommodation buildings.
The program covers expenses for the implementation of energy upgrading interventions, as well as supporting costs, such as services required for submitting, monitoring, and controlling the application.
Applications can be submitted via the program's electronic platform: https://oreinaxenodochia.gov.gr/app/login
⮚ Storage Systems for Businesses (€153.7 million)
This program subsidizes businesses of all sizes and economic activity sectors for the installation of storage systems (batteries) in planned photovoltaic systems or for the installation of storage systems (batteries) in existing, active photovoltaic systems.
In both cases, only the storage system is subsidized.
In addition to the extension, the following terms are modified for this specific program:
The requirement for the activation of the station connection (electrification) by the completion of the investment has been adjusted. Now, the purchase and installation of the relevant equipment (storage system) is sufficient for completing the investment.
Note that if the investment is not electrified, the "Connection Cost with DEDDHE/ADMHE" expense category is not subsidized.
The requirement to submit the connection terms no later than 2 months after the approval decision is extended to 4 months.
This change is a prerequisite for providing an advance of up to 40% in the program.
Additionally, a forthcoming legislative measure will ensure the allocation of electrical space for each investment, at the respective substation level.
Applications can be submitted via the program's electronic platform: https://exoikonomo-epixeiro-fotovoltaika.gov.gr/go-beyond/
The Ministry of Environment and Energy has implemented this horizontal extension for the four programs to facilitate the eligible applicants in collecting and submitting the necessary documentation as required by the program guides.
Additionally, in the "Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Enterprises (DEYA)" program, the subsidy percentage has increased from 60% to 80% of the eligible expenses (excluding VAT). The aim is to provide stronger incentives for DEYAs to implement energy-saving and infrastructure upgrading projects, ensuring their sustainable and efficient operation for the benefit of local communities.
For more information, interested parties can call the following phone number: 213 151 3740 (Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.).
The above programs are implemented as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan “Greece 2.0” with funding from the European Union – NextGeneration EU.