Guidelines for the proper management of vegetation within land plots
Guidelines for the proper management of vegetation within land plots

Guidelines for the proper management of vegetation within land plots

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RE+D magazine

"The owners and managers of private spaces are responsible for the management of the greenery (trees, bushes, etc.) that grows within the boundaries of their plots" says the Municipality of Kifissia in a recent announcement.

Specifically, as the municipal authority emphasizes, they should ensure that the vegetation located within their plots does not obstruct the use of sidewalks and roads.

In view of the upcoming winter season, it is particularly pointed out that, as regards the management of forest trees, all the necessary measures should be taken so that the forest trees located within the plots do not pose risks for the safety of passing pedestrians, traffic vehicles and other constructions in neighboring public or private spaces.

The removal of dead wood and branches damaged or affected by insects and diseases is allowed, the removal or shortening of branches that protrude in public or private areas if they create problems in the safe use of these areas, etc. pruning operations in the context of maintaining the size of the tree at a safe scale size.

Total felling of forest trees within private areas is not permitted. However, in case it is deemed necessary to cut a tree, e.g. when the tree poses a risk to people or property, a permit (small-scale building work approval) should be issued by the competent Building Service upon application by the property manager or owner.

Given the increasingly frequent occurrence of severe weather events in recent years that have caused great damage to the plant capital as well as to the infrastructure of our Municipality, it is recommended to take measures for the proper management of the vegetation within the plots, in accordance with the above, in the context of prevention causing problems & accidents.