Intrakat wins tender to construct the Gialova Bypass road section
Intrakat wins tender to construct the Gialova Bypass road  section

Intrakat wins tender to construct the Gialova Bypass road section

The €37.5million project will upgrade the specific section of the road axis "Kyparissia - Filiatra - Pylos".
RE+D magazine

The contract for the construction of the project "Improvement of the 9th National Road (Gialova P.E. Messinia Bypass Section)", with a budget of €37.5 million, was signed by the General Manager of the Intrakat Group, Mr. Anastasios Aranitis, at the Ministry of Infrastructure & Transport. after the completion of the relevant tender process.

This is a particularly important project, as it aims to upgrade the specific section of the road axis "Kyparissia - Filiatra - Pylos" through the improvement of the geometric characteristics, thus offering safety and comfort to users and contributing to the reduction of accidents, but also to decongesting the area.

In addition, the upgrading and improvement of the road network will improve the accessibility of Messinia and will further contribute to its tourism development.

In particular, the project will be carried out in the Municipality of Pylos - Nestoros and includes the improvement of a 3.5 km long section of the existing 9th National Road and the construction of a new 4.2 km long section to bypass the settlement of Gialova.

The project, which will have a construction duration of 24 months, will reduce journey times and increase road safety levels. As part of the contract, important accompanying projects will be constructed, such as level roundabouts, cut & cover, technical stream bridging projects, crossings, electric lighting, etc.

Intrakat has a strong presence in the region, as it participates in the consortium implementing the PPP project for the construction and upgrade of the Southwestern Peloponnese Road Axis (Kalamata - Rizomylos - Pylos - Methoni section), with a budget of 239.2 million euros (plus VAT).