IOBE: The Role of Business Parks in Economy
IOBE: The Role of Business Parks in Economy
  Economy  |  Greece  |  Analysis

IOBE: The Role of Business Parks in Economy

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RE+D magazine

Each euro of added value generated in these Business Parks contributes 2.4 euros to GDP, while every job created within these businesses helps generate an additional 4.1 jobs throughout the broader economy.

This is reflected in the new study titled "The Contribution of Established Companies in the Business Parks of ETVA to the Greek Economy from 2017 to 2023," which was conducted by a research team from IOBE, supported by ETVA BIPE. As highlighted during the event for the presentation of the study, "based on the data, the Business Parks are a strong multiplier, with a significant contribution to enhancing economic activity and employment throughout Greece, supporting development prospects."

The study underscores the importance of Business Parks in the Greek economy and their contribution to development, employment, and public revenue. It also assesses the economic significance of their operations, evaluates the economic and environmental footprint of the companies located in them, and analyzes the role of the company in the context of policy and regulatory frameworks, such as the Green Deal and the New Industrial Strategy at the EU level.

The research findings, based on economic data from 1,101 companies, show that the companies located in these parks form a strong pillar of growth for the Greek economy, with their contribution to GDP amounting to €10.7 billion in 2022, up from €9.7 billion in 2016. At the same time, the businesses operating within these parks supported the labor market with 181,000 full-time jobs, contributing a total of €3.2 billion to public revenues, with a significant multiplier effect.

Regarding the key areas of organized activity, Central Macedonia emerges as the leading region, hosting 37% of the businesses and accounting for 41.2% of total employment and 42.3% of total turnover.

The economic dynamics of the Business Parks are evident through the strong multiplier effect they generate.

For every euro of added value produced in these Business Parks, it contributes €2.4 to GDP, while each job created in the established companies leads to the creation of 4.1 additional jobs throughout the economy.