"The investment is expected to reach c.211 million euros and, according to the provisions, it consists of an electrical energy unit (power of 90-105 megawatts) and thermal energy (power of 135-150 megawatts).
The annual production of electricity is expected to amount to approximately 1,150 gigawatts and to approximately 275 gigawatts of thermal energy, which are expected to be delivered to the respective energy systems (the North Macedonia Electricity Transmission System Operator - MEPSO and the heat transfer system for the city of Skopje", it is stated in a relevant announcement of the government of North Macedonia.
This decision of the government of North Macedonia was taken after a public invitation addressed by it, on January 31, 2022, for the submission of a request to determine the status of a strategic investment plan and after an appropriate examination of the request submitted," the statement added.
The government of North Macedonia noted that this decision indicates its intention to create the right conditions for an increase in domestic electricity production.