Net billing under consultation
Net billing under consultation

Net billing under consultation

RE+D magazine

In a public consultation until July 6, the Ministry of Environment and Energy put the draft Ministerial Decision on the installation of power stations by self-producers and Energy Communities (net-billing).

The photovoltaic system can be installed either in the same place whete the consumption occurs (net billing), or anywhere else in the network (virtual net billing). In this case, offsetting of the electricity produced by RES stations or S.H.I.T.Y.A., will be achieved with the electricity consumed in self-consumer facilities, at least one of which should not be located in the same nor adjacent area as the stations or is supplied by a other provision.

In the draft amendment of the Ministerial Decision, the terms and conditions for the development of generating stations are determined, with through three models:

1. instant net billing

The electricity produced by the power station and the absorbed electricity in consumption supply of the self-producer are offset in a time window equal to the Discrepancy Clearing Period (15 minutes per hour) based on the certified meter data from the Operator, while the self-consumer sells the injected energy. The consumption supply is located in the same or adjacent space as the generating station or is located in another space, but is electrically connected with a dedicated interconnection line. The generating station is connected to the Network or the System through the provision of the consumption facility.

2. virtual instant net billing

The netting of the electricity produced by the power station with the Absorbed energy in the supply of consumption for netting of the self-producer, which is carried out in a time window equal to the Discrepancy Clearing Period (15 minutes per hour), based on the certified measurement data from the Administrators, while the self-consumer sells the Injected energy. The consumption facilities to be offset, whether located in the same or adjacent space as the generating station or not, are not electrically connected to the internal electrical installation of the generating station. Generating stations can be installed in any region of the country, regardless of where the consumption facilities to be offset are located. In any case, the consumption benefits to be offset may be represented by different suppliers. 

3. joint self consumption

Where at least two self-consumers located in the same building may jointly participate in activities and regulate between them the sharing of the energy produced by their stations, subject to applicable network charges and other relevant charges, fees, contributions and taxes . In the energy offset, under the scheme of collective self-consumption, consumptions of common users in buildings can also be included

For the installation of photovoltaics in a shared or co-owned area of ​​a property, the consent of 51% of the co-owners of the building with a written agreement will be required from now on (compared to the 100% that applies today). At the same time, collective self-consumption at the building level is planned with the application of virtual net-billing.

Those interested can submit their comments and suggestions in writing or electronically ( - Y.P.EN, General Directorate of Energy, 119 Mesogeion Avenue, 115 23 Athens), up to on 07/06/2024.