Noval declares full refinancing of the Green Bond Inbox
Noval declares full refinancing of the Green Bond Inbox
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Noval declares full refinancing of the Green Bond Inbox

The specific loan facilities relate to the construction of «MARE WEST» Retail Park in Corinth.
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RE+D magazine

NOVAL PROPERTY REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT COMPANY announced that, on 03.10.2022, the Company proceeded to the full refinancing of the common secured Bond Loan (BL) dated 21.04.2015 between the Company and “ALPHA BANK S.A.”,

 as well as to the partial refinancing of the short-term revolving facility (STRF) dated 29.07.2014 with the same bank, utilizing part of the proceeds of the Green Bond Loan issued by the Company on 06.12.2021, which is listed in the Category of Fixed Income Securities at the Regulated Market of the Athens Stock Exchange (henceforth the “Green Bond”). 

The specific loan facilities relate to the construction of «MARE WEST» Retail Park in Corinth, which is certified by the internationally acknowledged environmental accreditation BREEAM In-Use Commercial v6. 

The refinancing amounted to EUR 6.13 mil. in relation to the aforementioned BL, comprising outstanding capital of EUR 6.05 mil. and accrued interest of EUR 82.4 k. and to EUR 5.65 mil. in relation to the aforementioned STRF, comprising outstanding capital of EUR 5.6 mil. and accrued interest of EUR 49 k., regarding the period expiring on 03.10.2022, pursuant to the provisions of article 2.1 (ii) of the Green Bond Programme, which is included in the Prospectus dated 24.11.2021 (Annex No. 5). 

The Company will inform the Athens Stock Exchange and the Hellenic Capital Market Commission on the use of the Green Bond proceeds until their full utilisation. In addition, and more specifically, the Company is committed to inform the investor community, the bondholders, the Hellenic Capital Market Commission and the Athens Stock Exchange of any amendments in the use of proceeds, as well as of any additional relevant information, pursuant to the provisions of the applicable law concerning the Capital Markets.