The event, which was addressed by the Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Food, Mr. Dionysios Stamenitis, was opened by the President of EKAGEM, Mrs. Dimitra Emmanouilidou, who, among other remarks, emphasized: “The development of smart agriculture is a strategic priority for EKAGEM, as it presents a unique opportunity to combine the tradition of Greek agriculture with the latest technologies. These conditions will lead us to a more sustainable, efficient, and competitive sector. Smart greenhouses are the future of agriculture, not only globally but also in Greece."
“Greenhouses act as accelerators of technology and are one of the most dynamic sectors of primary production. They offer increased productivity, efficient resource use, and serve as a tool to address modern challenges such as climate change. They can fully meet the needs of the supply chain and exports. The development of greenhouses in Greece requires strategic planning, cross-sectoral collaboration, technological solutions, and a roadmap for sustainability,” noted Dr. Nikolaos Katsoulas, Professor of Agricultural Structures & Greenhouses at the University of Thessaly.
“Recognizing the new needs that will arise from the development of greenhouse facilities and identifying the weaknesses in the current system of connecting production with market networks, ETHEAS has established a large commercial arm for cooperatives, the company ΣΥΝΕΤΑΙΡΙΣΤΙΚΕΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΕΣ ΕΞΑΓΩΓΕΣ Α.Ε. COGREXPO. Our goals are to consolidate quantities and varieties of products and to create the necessary negotiating scale that will open doors for our agricultural products to large international retail chains, from which we are currently absent,” stated the Vice President of ETHEAS, Mr. Christos Giannakakis.
Mr. Efthymios Tsiatouras, Head of the Agricultural Enterprises Support Unit at the Ministry of Rural Development and Food (ΥΠΑΑΤ), spoke about the P3-73-2.9 Intervention, “Investments for the modernization and construction of greenhouses and accessible roofing for plant production” under the CAP Strategic Plan 2023–2027. Specifically, he addressed the eligibility of applicants, equipment investments, budget, support intensity, the criteria scoring system, and the commitments required from beneficiaries.
Mr. Thanasis Dedousis, Director of the Agricultural Food Excellence Center at Piraeus Bank, elaborated on the possibilities for financial support and advisory services, stating: “Piraeus Bank remains steadfast in its strategy to support the agri-food sector. We continue to actively support farmers and entrepreneurs who are making sustainable investments to modernize their greenhouses or establish new, state-of-the-art facilities. Our goal is to ensure a sustainable and competitive sector, today and in the future, through the utilization of modern technology and the safeguarding of natural resources, sustainable production, and agricultural income