The Electronic Real Estate File platform on pilot operation
The Electronic Real Estate File platform on pilot operation
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The Electronic Real Estate File platform on pilot operation

The platform will be fully operational on November 1, 2023. In the pilot-test stage, legal results will be produced.
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RE+D magazine

The Joint Ministerial Decision regarding the Pilot Operation of the "Electronic Real Estate File" platform for the execution of deed on real estate, was published in the government Gazette (1396/Β'/09.03.2023) .

Its full operation, after the integration of any observations, comments, instructions and requirements that will arise during the pilot-test stage, will begin on 01.11.2023. In the pilot-test stage, the use of the Platform will produce legal results.

Properties located in areas that have been registered in the national cadastre will be initially comprised in the platform

Through the electronic platform, contracts can be concluded exclusively between natural persons on rem rights on properties located in areas that have been registered and operated by a Land Registry Office.

The "Electronic Real Estate File" platform of the N.P.D.D. "Hellenic Land Registry" can be accessed through the Unified Digital Portal of the Public Administration ( Users of the platform are the notary who draws up the notarial deed and the contracting parties (such as buyers and sellers).

Notaries enter the platform, after they are authenticated using their personal credential codes of the General Secretariat of Public Administration Information Systems (G.G.P.S.D.D.) of the Ministry of Digital Governance (taxisnet) and then using of the credential codes of the Notary Register, in order to certify their status for the use of the platform.

The parties enter the platform, after being authenticated using their personal credential codes of the General Secretariat of Public Administration Information Systems (G.G.P.S.D.D.) of the Ministry of Digital Governance (taxisnet).

The notary enters the platform and creates a new transfer request by entering the VAT numbers of the contracting parties, such as the buyer and the seller. It then invites the parties through the platform to accept the transfer request and provide the necessary authorizations.

After successfully sending the invitation to the contracting parties, the transferor enters the platform and then the transfer request created by the notary, in order to select the property to be transferred, accept the invitation and authorize the notary to collect documents and information and in all the necessary actions for the purpose of drawing up the notarial deed.

The transferor selects the property to be transferred either by typing the ATAK or by selecting it from the list of properties appearing on the platform, as they are registered in the declaration of property details (E9). The transferor has the option to upload his title deed and transfer certificate.

Then, the acquirer enters the platform and the transfer request created by the notary in order to accept the invitation and authorize the notary to collect documents and information and all necessary actions for the purpose of drawing up the notarial deed.

You may find the file on the govenrnment gazette here (available only in Greek)