The first 5* hotel unit based in Chios island opens its doors
The first 5* hotel unit based in Chios island opens its doors
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The first 5* hotel unit based in Chios island opens its doors

The project was implimented through financing secured from the former Bank of Pancreta
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RE+D magazine

"Pearl Island", the first luxury five-star hotel unit on the island of Chios, has officially opened its doors.

The project was implimented through financing secured from the former Bank of Pancreta, which believed from the first moment in the ambitious project, which strengthens the imprint of Chios on the international tourist map.

The opening ceremony took place in the presence of the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Chios, Psara and Oinoussa, Mr. Markos, the ND MP and former Minister of Citizen Protection, Mr. Notis Mitarakis, the Authorized Advisor of Attica Bank, Mr. Antonis Bartholomaiou, and the businessman Mr. Markellos Kallimasias, who owns the hotel unit. The present was also given by representatives of the business and maritime life of the island.

The Authorized Advisor of Attica Bank, Mr. Antonis Bartholomeos, noted in this regard: "The new hotel unit covers an existing need that Chios had to develop its tourist product through the provision of high standards of hospitality. I want to assure you that just as Pankritia Bank supported the private initiative by financing this project, so too the new bank that has been created after the merger with Attica Bank and is now the 5th banking pillar in the country, with its strong capital base, will continue to be on the side of entrepreneurship on the island, believing in its enormous potential for development and economic progress".