The first property based in Greece with a WiredScore certification
The first property based in Greece with a WiredScore certification
  REIC  |  Sustainability  |  Greece

The first property based in Greece with a WiredScore certification

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RE+D magazine

Noval Property has been awarded a new certification for the "Butterfly" office building in Chalandri.

In particular, "Butterfly" is the first building in Greece to be awarded the internationally recognized WiredScore certification.

The WiredScore certification is about real estate digital technology systems, existing infrastructure and the utilization of cutting-edge technologies, with the aim of their integrated digital connectivity. 

“Butterfly” earned WiredScore certification at the Silver level. It is worth noting that the building has already been awarded the international LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) environmental certification at the "Gold" level.

WiredScore Certification

WiredScore assesses, certifies and improves digital connectivity and smart technology in homes and offices on a global scale.Find out more.