The platform for primary residence protection applications is to be launhced next week
The platform for primary residence protection applications is to be launhced next week
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The platform for primary residence protection applications is to be launhced next week

The state will provide a subsidy of €70 to €210 - depending on the debtor's family situation - of their loan installment.
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RE+D magazine

The platform to allow vulnerable households to apply for protection of their primary residence opens next week.

In further detail, this is the interim protection program for the primary residence until the Real Estate Acquisition and Re-leasing Agency gets into full operation, through which the state will provide a subsidy of €70 to €210 - depending on the debtor's family situation - of their loan installment who has a mortgage on the primary residence.

The subsidy will be valid for 15 months and a condition for inclusion in the program is that all households applying to receive the subsidy have been certified as vulnerable, that is to say that they meet the income and asset criteria provided for by the interim subsidy program for the tranche for protection of the first residence.

It is been reminded that the program has been called interim as it is a vestibule for the inclusion of these households in the Agency for the Acquisition and Re-leasing of Real Estate, when it will be operational, i.e. around the end of 2023.