The Single Digital Map on beta operation
The Single Digital Map on beta operation

The Single Digital Map on beta operation

Within the next two weeks, the Single Digital Map and the National Infrastructure Register,will be up in beta operation.
RE+D magazine

Within the next two weeks, the Single Digital Map and the National Infrastructure Register, which were presented at a special event by the TEE, in the presence of Prime Minister Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, will be up in beta operation.

The new electronic tool, which was instituted in 2019, includes all the necessary geospatial data for the licensing of any type and size of investment.

Based on the background of the Cadastre, it will include the building and zoning line, the boundaries of the forest areas, the boundaries of the protected areas, the boundaries of the archaeological sites, the shoreline lines and all the necessary institutional lines – and in addition the building conditions and the land use. When the land registration of the country is finished, the boundaries of all plots will be added.

The National Infrastructure Register aims to create an information system for the management-monitoring of the National Infrastructure Register (Article 10 of Law 4635/2019), i.e. all infrastructures and buildings that belong to or are under the management of public sector bodies. For each infrastructure and building included in the Register, the time of construction, the body responsible for their maintenance and control, the main characteristics of the maintenance and control works and the time in which they must be carried out will be mentioned.

The project involves the installation of equipment to monitor the physical infrastructure of large projects such as road and railway bridges. The installation of Internet of Things equipment will aim to take real-time measurements of the condition of the infrastructure in order to schedule corresponding maintenance in time or to prevent large-scale accidents.

The Unified Digital Map and the National Infrastructure Register are a major reform that simplifies the business environment, makes urban geospatial information transparent and accessible to all.

The €44.3 million budget project is financed by the Recovery Fund and implemented by the OTE – INTRASOFT consortium.