Titan Cement declares a new share buy-back program
Titan Cement declares a new share buy-back program
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Titan Cement declares a new share buy-back program

The program will be implemented in compliance with the applicable buy-back rules and regulations.
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RE+D magazine

Titan Cement International S.A. (Euronext Brussels, ATHEX and Euronext Paris, TITC) announced that its Board of Directors at its latest meeting decided to implement a new share buy-back program for an amount of up to EUR 10,000,000, in Euronext Brussels and the Athens Exchange.

The expected term of the program is up to 10 months and will begin on or around March 1st, 2023, following the end of the current running program. The Company may terminate, suspend or postpone the program if deemed appropriate with respect to the Company’s investment strategy.

 The program will be implemented in compliance with the applicable buy-back rules and regulations. 

The bought-back shares will be held as treasury shares and may be also used in the context of employee incentive plans. TCI will keep the market fully informed of the progress of the relevant transactions in line with applicable regulations