Vacant job positions decreased by 31% in the fourth quarter of 2024
Vacant job positions decreased by 31% in the fourth quarter of 2024
  Economy  |  Greece  |  Data

Vacant job positions decreased by 31% in the fourth quarter of 2024

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RE+D magazine

The number of vacant job positions across the entire economy, excluding the primary sector and household activities, decreased by 31% in the fourth quarter of last year compared to the same period in 2023 (28,365 versus 41,120 positions, respectively). This follows a significant 96.5% increase in vacancies during the same quarter when comparing 2023 to 2022.

According to ELSTAT, a vacant job position is considered to be a newly created position, an already vacant position, or a position that will soon become vacant, for which the employer has recently taken active steps to find a suitable candidate from outside the company. This position is available either immediately or in the near future.

It is noted that vacant job positions only refer to salaried employees.

Job positions that are not considered vacant include:

  • Apprentices without pay, whether from employers or any social security body.
  • Contractors who are not in salaried positions.
  • Staff who are rehired or return from paid or unpaid leave.
  • Internal transfers within the company of existing staff.

Vacant job positions for the near future refer to full-time or part-time positions that must be filled within a period of no more than three months.