This was one of the key findings from a study conducted by Economist Impact on behalf of Nissan. The results were based on responses from 3,750 participants across 15 cities worldwide.
57% of new city residents are willing to change their commuting habits to reduce their carbon footprint. Particularly, young people in developing cities view environmental issues as highly significant when making mobility choices.
Electric vehicles (EVs) are emerging as the preferred mode of transportation. The ownership of EVs among respondents is expected to rise from 23% today to more than 35% over the next decade.
The enthusiasm is stronger in developing cities, with 44% of people expecting to own an electric vehicle within the next five years, compared to 31% in developed cities. The reality of air pollution drives them toward sustainability.
While young urban residents show strong interest in innovations such as energy storage and alternative fuels, over 40% express significant interest in technologies that will impact their mobility choices.
Optimism remains high among survey participants, with over one-third expecting to own an electric vehicle within the next decade, reflecting a 23% increase from today. The excitement is even greater in developing cities, with 44% expecting to drive EVs in the next five years, compared to 31% in developed cities.
Rising environmental concerns, such as pollution and traffic congestion, are driving greater interest in EVs in cities like Shanghai, São Paulo, and Mexico City. Factors influencing EV adoption largely depend on battery performance, charging infrastructure, and cost. Respondents in developing cities are more concerned about the batteries in electric cars, while those in developed cities are more focused on the cost of EVs, as their prices still remain higher than conventional internal combustion engine vehicles.