Institutional Investors
Master plan to tackle flooding risks in Attica

The plan was thoroughly presented in a meeting of the Attica Regional Council

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Within a month the tender process for the Residential Purchasing and Resettlement Agency

Strong investment interest from foreign investment funds.

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 Final call for the Gournes Heraklion, Crete project

HRADF announces four Interested Parties

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RRF Urban Redevelopment Program starts with € 160 million in the Greek coffers

The beneficiaries ought to complete the contracting process by 2023.

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Greek Counsil of State rejects a private urban plan in Rovies

The union of judges has been trying to have the urban plan of the settlement approved since 2012.

Greece agrees with the EU Commission on Thriasio I adjustments

Τhe Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, Costas Karamanlis, has informed the Business and Industrial Chamber of Piraeus that a long-term negotiation with the General Directorate of Competition (DG Comp) of the EU Commission regarding the "Thriasio I" project, had been successfully concluded.

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Four prospective bidders for the 45% stake in HEDNO S.A.

The competent departments of PPC S.A will review the technical offers and the opening of the financial offers will follow.

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Foreign institutional investors offer a "vote of confidence" in Greek bonds

More than 80% of the issuance of Greek bonds seems to have been covered by foreign institutional investors, thus giving once again a "vote of confidence" in the country's economy.

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HDB and TMEDE partnership

The Hellenic Development Bank (HDB) addresses a Call for Cooperation to the Banking System of the country, with the aim of launching the "Guarantee Fund EAT-TMEDE" in the framework of its cooperation with the Greek Engineers and Public Works Contractors Fund (TMEDE) in an efford to facilitate access to finance for Greek engineers, designers and manufacturers.