The Athens Heart and student residences boost Premia's revenues
The Athens Heart and student residences boost Premia's revenues
  Institutional Investors  |  Listed  |  REIC  |  Economy  |  Greece

The Athens Heart and student residences boost Premia's revenues

The shift of local real estate to "green" buildings and the modern amenities that tenants are looking for.
RE+D magazine

During the 17th RED Meeting Point, Premia Properties CEO Konstantinos Markazos has described as an "experiment" for the State, the transfer of AADE's headquarters to the new "green" building deliverd by REIC in the former Athens Heart shopping center on Piraeus Street.

This was the first time, as he said, that a public body will be housed in a certified building with bioclimatic characteristics and savings of 60% in energy costs. The investment of approximately €60 million in combination with the new student residence that the company is developing in Xanthi is expected to "raise" revenues by 26% on an annual basis, from €19 million in 2023, he emphasized during the recent General Assembly of the shareholders.

As he said himself, Premia will receive an annual rent of €4.4 million from the lease of the property to AADE for the next 12 years that the contract lasts. Tenants are now looking for sustainable buildings and paying for them because they save on energy, water and amenities that attract more and better workers. Based on the above, the new 60,000 sq m property that will be handed over to AADE will include amenities such as a gym, dining areas and even a nursery, while because the building will house 9 critical services and 1,700 people, it will also have high security systems.

According to Mr. Markazos, the rent reaches €15 / square meter / month, which is considered low for a building with LEED certification. Its "transformation" by METKA (Mytileneos group) took place within 11 months.

The student housing units

Regarding the joint project in Xanthi, which is expected to be operational from the new academic year in September, the head of Premia emphasized during the General Assembly that it cost €5.5 million, while funds were also drawn from the Recovery Fund. In addition to modern infrastructure, the asset will be guarded by a security company, while a food retail store will operate on the ground floor. Mr. Markazos mentioned that there is a category of these properties together with Logistics that are in great demand in the domestic market and for this reason the company is constantly looking for buildings and locations in large student cities in Greece for the development of corresponding Projects.

Among other things, the General Assembly has approved the distribution of a dividend of €0.03 per share for 2024, while a new three-year program for the free distribution of 2.3 million shares to executives, corresponding to 2% of the share capital, was approved.