The first trial electrical connection of Crete has been successfully completed
The first trial electrical connection of Crete has been successfully completed
  Investments  |  Economy  |  Infrastructure  |  Greece

The first trial electrical connection of Crete has been successfully completed

The Crete-Attica electrical interconnection has been in the testing phase since late 2024 and is expected to become operational this summer.
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RE+D magazine

The first trial connection of the high-voltage Substation at Damasta with the electrical system of Crete, a crucial step for the operation of the Crete-Attica interconnection, has been successfully completed by ADMIE's subsidiary, Ariadne Interconnection, which is executing the project.

The trial electrification of the 150 kV transformer at the new installation is part of the ongoing testing and acceptance procedures, which are proceeding at an accelerated pace at the Converter Stations constructed at both ends of the interconnection.

This Substation is the largest on Crete, featuring 17 bays, fully digitized systems, and built with state-of-the-art closed-type technology. It serves as a critical component of the project, acting as the connection point between Crete's electrical grid and the Crete-Attica interconnection.

It should be noted that the Crete-Attica electrical interconnection has been in the testing phase since late 2024 and is expected to become fully operational by the summer of 2025.

Once the equipment and subsystem tests at the Converter Stations are completed in the near future, the system's operational tests will follow, integrating the new interconnection. This is the final and most crucial step before the project enters regular service.

The implementation of the Crete-Attica interconnection was carried out by contractors such as Siemens Energy, Nexans, Prysmian, and NKT, with the Aurora and Leonardo da Vinci vessels used for the laying of the underwater cables.

The Crete-Attica electrical interconnection is being co-financed through the current (2021-2027) and previous (2014-2020) National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) programs, with funding of up to €535.5 million, helping to reduce the overall cost of the project for Greek consumers.