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Urbanisation seems to be transforming the logistics sector

“The Future of Transportation & Logistics” survey conducted by KPMG in Greece

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Particular investment interest observed for decayed residential properties in Greece

70% of the real estate properties that have been sold in Greece during 2021 were residences and the rest 30% commercial properties and plots of land.

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Middle classes are most aware of rising prices and economic uncertainty

Middle classes are most aware of rising prices, inflation is causing consumers at all income levels to change their shopping behaviors and purchase decisions.

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Greek banking sector NPL performance according to the BoG

Greek banks posted elevated after-tax losses in 2021, amounting to €4.8 billion.

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The post Covid-19 era in the working environment

According to Nepa Economic Consulting.

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How the war in Ukraine has affected the purchasing habits of the Greek consumers

One in 10 is thinking of buying more basic items such as socks, underwear etc. to create a small survival kit.

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Wage growth in the EU is lagging behind inflation

Inflation in the EU27 has been accelerating since last autumn and is gradually detaching from nominal wage growth.