Compared with the first quarter of 2022, rents and house prices in the EU increased with a 2.9% rise in rents and a 0.8% increase in house prices.
Called BAOBAB Luxury Safari Resort, it takes shape as a cluster of beechwood lodges, and here's everything to know about this marvel.
Road, railway, flood control, water, irrigation, building and port projects, as well as aviation infrastructure projects.
Mr. Kyranakis goals regarding the Land Registry is to put an end, as soon as possible, to the hurdles arising for hundreds thousands of citizens.
The proceeds from the Piazza Affari sale will be used to pay down debt and would reduce CEREIT’s gearing ratio by 2.1% to 37.2%.
Nominal prices of apartments in the first quarter of 2023 were increased compared to the corresponding quarter of 2022 by 14.5%.