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New European RES platform to invest €1bn investments

AMPYR Solar Europe (ASE), a newly launched renewable energy platform is planning to invest more than a billion euros in European projects.

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Amazon to build homes for its middle executives

Amazon has announced plans to create or preserve up to 20,000 affordable homes in areas close to its US facilities.

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Primark agreement with the French Klepierre

Primark, the international retailer, confirmed it has signed leases with Klépierre, the European leader in shopping malls, to open seven new stores.

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  News Deals  |  REIC  |  International
Big deal in the European market

Oxford Properties, the real estate arm of Canadian pension fund OMERS, is in talks to buy pan-European investor and asset manager M7 Real Estate in a deal that could be worth close to €5.2 billion.

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  News REIC
Three plots of land in Aspropyrgos boughty by BriQ

The purchase price amounted to € 2,025,186.

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  News REIC  |  Greece
End titles for the Kallitsantsi administration in Ellactor

During the General Meeting of the listed company the shareholders proceeded to vote against the first two items of the agenda, which concerned the reduction and increase of the share capital of ELLAKTOR, while the proposal of the Dutch for the appointment of a new management "passed" with a percentage of 61.27%.

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Comp proposes a Solomonian solution for Thriasio

The development of the freight center in the Thriasio field is becoming more vague, after the "ultimatum" of the EU Competition Commission (DG Comp) which requests, for the implementation of the project, on the one hand the doubling of the entrance fee by the concessionaire at the same time with the reduction of the concession period to 37 years, while stipulating that “if the return on investment exceeds 9% this will be shared between the parties ", without however specifying whether this concerns the excessive percentage or determining how it will be shared.

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Trastor acquires logistics centre for 3.0 million euros

The property is fully let to Seagull Diametaforiki Emporiki SA.

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Acquisition of two commercial retail properties in Glyfadafor €7.5M

The acquisitions of the two properties were financed through funds raised by the Share Capital Increase completed in August 2019

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PRODEA disposes of four office properties

The Company will accept sealed bids/offers in two stages.