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The Architectural competition winners for Thessaloniki's ConfEx Park

The winning design proposal is the team of Sauerbruch Hutton, Gustafson Porter + Bowman and Elena Stavropoulou.

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Six prospective bidders for the Kalamaria Marina in Thessaloniki

HRADF’stender process refers to the concession of port operation services.

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Aris FC new football court

The Northern Greek football team intends to build a new stadium in an area of 170.000sqm.

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Offers for the Kalamaria Marina accepted until July 14

The deadline for submitting an expression of interest for the granting of the right to use, operate and exploit the marina of Kalamaria (Aretsou) is extended for July 14 until 17.00 (Greek time).

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Deutsche Invest consortium wins tender for OLTH

HRADF declared the consortium comprising of «Deutsche Invest Equity Partners GmbH», «Belterra Investments Ltd.» and «Terminal Link SAS» as the Preferred Investor.

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The real estate market in Thessaloniki in the post-covid-19 era

Presenters of an internet conference, entitled "The Real Estate in the Covid and post-Covid era", spoke for an impressive reset of the real estate market in the post-covid-19 era, despite the stagnation recorded in the current period. The meeting was organized by the Hellenic-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Tourism, Industry and Business of Northern Greece and the Observatory of Real Estate Prices and Appraisals of SE Europe.

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  News Deals  |  REIC  |  Hotels  |  Thessaloniki
GRIVALIA purchases Olympos Naousa property

Grivalia Hospitality is further evaluating other investments in tourism sector as part of its vision of creating long-term value.

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  News REIC  |  Hotels  |  Thessaloniki
Pangaea REIC acquires Lazart Hotel

Lazart Hotel has 74 spacious rooms and offers luxurious accommodation in a privileged spot of Thessaloniki.

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  News REIC  |  Retail  |  Thessaloniki
ICI REIC expands investments in Thessaloniki

The property is fully let to Plaisio Computers, a Greek electronic equipment retail chain, for 12 more months onward.

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Ivan Savvidis gets 66.67% of SEGT, which controls the THPA

Businessman Ivan Savvidis will emerge as the largest and most controlling shareholder of SEGT Ltd, the company which owns 67% of the shares of listed THPA SA and the Thessaloniki port, with a percentage of 66.67%, through Belterra Investments Ltd, provided that the Competition Commission approves the transfer of a shareholding owned by the German fund DIEP GmbH.