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  Economy  |  Greece  |  Europe
Floating interest rates linked to mortgages freeze

Greek systemic banks have reportedly reached an agreement.

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Residential real estate platform Protio expands in Thessaloniki

The platform in Thessaloniki has already been activated and over 100 apartments have already been analyzed through the technological platform.

How will be financed the €50M investment plan in ETVA Industrial Parks

The consent of land owners within the Parks is considered a precondition.

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Photovoltaics on the Roof scheme platform will be open in a week's time

Interested parties should be in haste to catch up

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  News Deals  |  Investments  |  Office  |  Europe  |  Office
Fully let prime office property in Brussels sold for a net of €43.7M

The building is let to 12 companies, including Deutsche Börse, Netflix, the Embassy of Monaco and law firm Norton Rose Fulbright.

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By the end of April shall be available the platform for the water heater subsidy

The program guide provides subsidies based on three income brackets.