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  Investments  |  Economy  |  Infrastructure  |  Greece
€40M in infrastructure projects are currently being deployed in Greek territory

Minister Kostas Karamanlis speaking at the Hellenic-French Forum in Paris unveiled plans of c.€13M infrastructure projects that are to be implemented by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation. From these projects more than €10 billion have been tendered and almost €5 billion contracted

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  News Economy  |  Projects  |  Urban Planning  |  Laws  |  Greece
Land Registry declaration applications deadline is expected to be extended by seven more months

Declarations until July 31, 2023 are not subjected to penalties.

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Signs of market saturation in the Athenian hotel industry

The vast majority of the tourist accommondation premises in Athens (about 94%) are Airbnb-type entities.

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The refurbished Athens Conservatory

The Attica region has contributed the delivery by comprising the project in the funding available from the PEP Attica 2014 - 2020 that exceeded €7 million.

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TITAN Group achieves top score A by CDP for leading climate action

TITAN Group is one of the 283 companies across all sectors that achieved an “A” on climate, out of nearly 15,000 companies scored.

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  News Economy  |  Europe
Winter holiday homes' asking prices plunge this season

Geoaxis Winter Home Value Observatory

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  News Listed  |  Economy  |  Greece
MYTILINEOS will be included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices

MYTILINEOS is the only Greek company, joining a limited group of just 111 companies from all over the world, in this year’s DJSI Emerging Markets index.

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  News Listed  |  Economy  |  Greece
Plaisio Computers S.A. reports improved results in the third quarter of 2022

The company reported €110.611 thousand consolidated Sales vs €104.271 thousand a year ago, increased by 6,1%.