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Adora Engineering invests €9.3 in North Macedonia's heating utility firm

Toplifikacija is in bankruptcy proceedings since 2018.

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Three new investments in Piraeus Port

Based on the project plan, the existing pier will be extended by 35 acres transforming into a new area measuring 1.100 platform width.

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Crete to turn into energy crossroad

The key role of Crete in international and domestic energy developments with new interfaces being implemented or planned and investments in renewable energy sources and storage was highlighted at two conferences held last week in Athens and Heraklion.

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Lamda prioritizes is flood prevention projects in the Ellinikon

Lamda Development gives greater emphasis on the issue of safety and conservation, primarily of citizens but also of ecosystems, from the consequences of climate change, regarding the emblematic project of the Ellinikon.

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  News Economy  |  Infrastructure  |  Laws
Deadline extention for the engineer's certificate

The activation of the electronic building identity in property transfers will be mandatory effective from next year.

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DESFA and NER JSC ink NG pipeline operation agreement

The agreement refers to the construction of a 123 km pipeline.

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Building permits files in Greece are turning digital

The project refers to the digitisation of the paper folders of building permits and their filling in the e-Adeies software.

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Gerardi Maria - Elli is the new General Secretary of Infrastructure

She has served as a consultant in the Office of the former Secretary General of Infrastructure, G. Karagiannis.

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Intense investment interest for the 67% stake in Port of Heraclion, Crete

HRADF had earlier decided to extend the deadline of the tender from July 30, 2021.

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Prospects of an international tourism training center in Greece

Greek government is in talks with Accor for the creation of an international tourism training center in Greece.