Institutional Investors
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Piraeus bank reports a substantial decrease of the NPE ratio at 16%

Gross loans before impairments and adjustments amounted to €35.7billion compared to €36.6billion at the end of June 2021.

14 new online services supported by the Municipality of Athens e-services platform

According to the data compiled from the platform in 20 months period a total of 130,000 citizens and businesses have registered on the platform.

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Over taxation for European REICs after an initiative to tackle tax evasion

A joint industry paper has been developed by 12 associations, including EPRA, and been addressed to the European Commission

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The EU approves Greek primary residence protection scheme

The modifications that were approved are in favour of indebted households.

Master plan to tackle flooding risks in Attica

The plan was thoroughly presented in a meeting of the Attica Regional Council

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Within a month the tender process for the Residential Purchasing and Resettlement Agency

Strong investment interest from foreign investment funds.

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 Final call for the Gournes Heraklion, Crete project

HRADF announces four Interested Parties

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RRF Urban Redevelopment Program starts with € 160 million in the Greek coffers

The beneficiaries ought to complete the contracting process by 2023.

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Greek Counsil of State rejects a private urban plan in Rovies

The union of judges has been trying to have the urban plan of the settlement approved since 2012.