The REIC's property portfolio increased to €536.4 million.
GEK TERNA had bid in September 2023 with an 3.27 billion euros offer.
INSETE's latest analysis
The aim is to complete the Land Registration in 2025.
Θα δημιουργηθούν συνολικά 80 θέσεις ελλιμενισμού για σκάφη αναψυχής μήκους έως 25 μέτρων.
The new 5-star hotel located on a hill has 275 rooms and suites of high standards.
Fluent Daily Newsfor Real Estate Market
2025 ANNUAL EDITIONGreek CRE at a glanceA change of scaleTOURISM: Expansion, Delays, and Strategic Moves HOUSING: International investors in the Greek market OFFICE: Partnering for success RETAIL: …