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The global construction sector on track to turn circular

Holcim launched a cement that delivers at least a 30% lower carbon footprint compared to ordinary cement.

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  News Listed  |  Materials
Titan reports a 5% jump in group revenue

Titan reports that higher volumes across all group markets support solid revenue growth and resilient profitability

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 BIM is becoming a precondition for all public infrastructure projects

Building Information Modeling is expected to be adopted initially in large scale projects in Greece.

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The "iron road" and green buildings

The construction industry is responsible for the consumption of 40% to 75% of all raw materials in the world.

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  News Fin Tech  |  Greece
Israelis set up debt settlement platform for ACCI members

The President of ACCI Konstantinos Michalos and the representatives of the Israeli high-tech company Rollsoft Ltd, proceeded to signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) - Cooperation Agreement, in order for the companies-members of the chamber to use a technologically advanced platform, based on artificial intelligence, able to handle all the financial issues of the companies.

Vodafone to cooperate with PCT and PPA

Vodafone Business brings a new era for the Piraeus Container Terminal, promising state-of-the-art technologies and new, unlimited possibilities for the largest port in the country.

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Cement "faces" climate change

Despite its contribution to the anthropogenic environment, cement is the source of about 8% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions

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The use of drones is transforming the construction industry

The industry has been transformed by the new technology which has enhanced design, security and mapping procedures.

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  News Investments  |  Innovation  |  Economy  |  Legal
Subsidies and cash incentives available for strategic investments in Greece

The Ministry of Development and Investments' draft law was filled for public consultation.