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Soaring mortgage rates boost internal migration in the US

Nearly 26% of property search queries on online real estate brokerage

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Aviva partners Via Agora for a BTR resi scheme in Madrid

Via Agora will act as both developer and contractor for the scheme.

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Deka Immobilien acquires five logistic assets for €560M

The package consists of fully let existing properties built from 2021 onwards.

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The risk of recession is now overshadowing China's real estate market

This week, a meeting of top Chinese leaders noted a “great change” in the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market.

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S&P Case-Shiller: US home prices in May rose for the fourth straight month

Prices nationally rose 0.7% month to month, seasonally adjusted.

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An airplane-shaped tiny home built from the Woods' in the Woods

The architectural office Hello Wood shapes a different residential model.

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GJVS INVESTMENTS, a strong alliance vehicle for investments in tourism industry

Big names from the field of tourism and technology.

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Southern Europe recorded the largest annual decrease in total investment volume in Q2 2023

According to Savills total investment volume for the second quarter of the year will be around €33bn, will represent a 57% drop compared to the same period last year.

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June home sales drop to the slowest pace in 14 years in the USA

Compared with June of last year, sales were 18.9% lower. That is the slowest sales pace for June since 2009.