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Residential rents in large Greek cities are soaring to new highs

The upward rally in rents, as well as the positive effects on demand, are also due to the needs emerged due to the health crisis.

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Noval Property acquired a new office building in Marousi, formerly owned by HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings S.A.

The transaction amounted to €10.96 million and it has been financed through funds from Noval Property’s Green Bond.

The first ever delivered "pocket park" in Kifissia

As pocket parks are described small green areas that are developed in unstructured and abandoned spaces within urban areas.

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The first ever Plaisio Computers store is up on e-auction

The property used to house the first ever Plaisio Computers store and the AETIOS ANONYMI KTIMATIKI ETERIA is considered the property's debtor.

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Home prices continue to surge in core Attika regions

The increase in values ​​is reaching a high in the cycle according to Geoaxis Price Observatory.

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Skaramangas and Elefsina Shipyards operations to be transfered soon

The Minister of Development and Investments Adonis Georgiadis has commented on the transition of operations to the new management.

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Greek supply chain industry contributes c.10% in the country's GDP

Nepa Economic Consulting company reports on the sector.

Municipality of Elefsina engages in an impressive reconstruction project on Iera Odos

The study was prepared by the Department of Urban Reconstruction Studies and Projects of the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

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The new Ellinikon sports center construction project's bidders

The project refers to an area of ​​approximately 300 thousand square meters at the northwest end of the Park.

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The major redevelopment of OSE's central railway Larissa Station surrounding area in Athens

In order to improve the space used by the visitors, the technical services of the municipality installed new turf on an area of 805 sq.m.