Urban Redevelopment
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Climate Change reshapes Real Estate Insurance

Increasing climate risks are impacting premiums and the availability of insurance coverage across Europe.

Ahmad Hariri: The rationale behind Athens' inclusion in Valpre Capital's investment strategy

Ahmad Hariri, Managing Partner of Valpre Capital, speaks exclusively to RED about the company's investment plan.

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Tender for the restoration of the surrounding area at OAKA

The project has a total budget of €11.5 million (plus VAT).

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4 consortiums interested for the development in Gkonou Military Base in Thessaloniki

The preferred investor will be responsible for the financing, design, licensing, development, construction, operation, maintenance, and exploitation of the Business Park on the former Gkonou Military Base.

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Suspension of New Building Permits with NOK Incentives

Urgent transitional provision from the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

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90% to 95% of agricultural plots in Mykonos fail to meet building permit preconditions

What the Panhellenic Federation of Property Owners (POMIDA) asks for.