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Who will be able to apply for Recovery Fund financing

Which are the expenditures that will be able to be funded.

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Strong investment interest for the new Agency for primary residences

The new agency will be acquiring properties of households that are facing difficulties meeting their liabilities as well as SME properties.

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The Independent Public Revenue Authority in search of new mixed use property

The maximum monthly rent is set at € 12.500.

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Greek real estate properties have no insurance support

Only 13% of residences and businesses damaged by the August fires were insured.

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Changes in EU's blacklist of tax havens

European Union finance ministers are set to remove tax havens from the bloc's blacklist.

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  News Economy  |  Data
Greek unemployment rate for the 2Q2021 was 15.8%

The number of persons employed amounted to 3,915,253, recording an increase by 8%.

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Η Βeat προσφεύγει στην Επ. Ανταγωνισμού για τον Νόμο Σπίρτζη

Στην Επιτροπή Ανταγωνισμού προσφεύγει η Beat προκειμένου να γνωμοδοτήσει σχετικά με την απαγόρευση που επέβαλε η προηγούμενη κυβέρνηση στις εταιρείες υπηρεσιών μετακινήσεων

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  News Economy  |  Taxation
Greek PM declares ENFIA property tax reduction

Which taxes and fees will be abolished and the subsidies that will be available for younger citizens.

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A new player in the Greek Real Estate market

Spanish Banco Santander & French BNP Paribas are RETAMA's main shareholders.

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Foreign institutional investors offer a "vote of confidence" in Greek bonds

More than 80% of the issuance of Greek bonds seems to have been covered by foreign institutional investors, thus giving once again a "vote of confidence" in the country's economy.