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Premia sold winery in Santorini island for €6,5M

The sale price is €6.5 mil. while the fair value of this property as at 30.06.2023 was €4.1 mil.

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UNDP uses 3D printers for a construction project in Colombia

The printer utilizes materials such as dirt and trash to build shelters.

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  News Economy  |  Residential  |  Laws  |  Greece
Real Estate Acquisition and Leasing Agency in Greece: Rent calculation and buy back opportunity

The latest developments adopted through ministerial decisions.

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  News Economy  |  Residential  |  Greece  |  Analysis  |  Residential
BoG: Apartment prices' annual rate of change in Greece fell in 2Q2024

Apartment prices increased by an average annual rate of 9.2% relative to a 13.8% a year ago.

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Numbers of building permits and approvals in Thessaloniki available online

The new electronic service is available through the Cartographic Portal of the Municipality of Thessaloniki.

A great opening for HUB26 by Prodea and Dimand

The project transforms the business profile of Western part of Thessaloniki.

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  News Economy  |  Residential  |  Taxation  |  Laws  |  Greece
Greek government declares ENFIA reductions and suspension of Airbnb new listings

The "My Home II Program" will be lauched soon with €2 billion available financing from the Recovery Fund. €400million for energy upgrade of old houses.