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Thessaloniki's subway is estimated to be delivered to travellers by the end of 2022

The contractor of this important project will set up construction sites by the end of 2022.

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  News Economy  |  Europe  |  Analysis
EPRA: how will inflationary pressure impact the European LRE

The current inflationary pressure is likely to be temporary and its short-term impact should represent a positive driver for the listed real estate industry in Europe.

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  News Listed  |  REIC  |  Other  |  Greece
Premia in talks to acquire BOUTARIS

Premia has been negotiating for months with the companies that have purchased Boutari's liabilities

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  News Listed  |  Europe
Alpha Bank inks binding agreement with Cerberus for Project Sky

Project Sky forms part of Alpha Bank Group’s strategy for the reduction of its stock of non-performing loans

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  Markets Greece  |  Data
Road motor cars circulation records a 12,1% decrease in January

In January 2021, a 28.5% decrease had been observed in comparison with the corresponding month of 2020.

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The Biotechnology and Innovation Technology Park in the former Regional Market of Lechaio

The duration of the concession of use and exploitation of the property is determined in thirty.

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UK's Property Hotspots

According to Bloomberg

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  News Fin Tech  |  Europe  |  Analysis
2021 has been a record year for Fintech investments

KPMG Pulse of Fintect H2 2021

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  News Economy  |  Europe  |  International  |  Analysis
High energy prices are weighing on EUs exonomic development

The forecast for inflation has been considerably revised upwards compared to the Autumn Forecast.